What do you get when you add Comic Books, LinkedIn Accessibility and AppleVis?

This is a rather short post to inform you of a few pieces of news, which I think you may be interested in. The said news topics range from accessible comic books to iOS file transfer, along with a good mix of assistive technology information thrown in for good measure.
If you would like to find out more, please feel free to read on.

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Newsflash… 2 DigiPlace4All Events and an iOS 9 Article!

In this post I would like to tell you about 2 pieces of DigiPlace4All news, and share an article with you which relates to the new features in iOS 9/9.0.1. The pieces of DigiPlace4All news comprise of an event which took place in Dublin on the 18th of September 2015, as mentioned in a previous post, and another smaller and more intimate event which took place yesterday in Galway (24th September 2015). The article I mentioned compares what actions/tasks are possible in the newest release of Apples version of iOS, and the previous release which was iOS 8.1.4. I hope you read on, and enjoy learning about some of the news regarding DigiPlace4All and the advancement of the iOS platform.

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Things I Think You Should Know About… Upcoming DigiPlace4All Events and Protesting in Dublin Regarding Disability Rights!

This is going to be a relatively short post in comparison to others. I would like to highlight two upcoming events organised by DigiPlace4All, and the current protests which are taking place in Dublin concerning Disability Rights and Supports.
I am posting about the afore mentioned topics as I feel they have not got enough publicity, and if I can contribute to their coverage in any small way, I will be more than happy to do so.

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