About Me

My name is Niall Gallagher, I am currently 24 years old, and I live in county Sligo in the North-West of Ireland. I am very interested in listening to popular music, attending musical theatre productions, travelling abroad, discovering new technology/gadgets, reading, and keeping up to date with a broad range of radio and TV programs.

At this stage, I would like to point out that I am visually impaired and have reduced mobility. My visual impairment means that I use a lot of technology in my day to day life, and my level of vision is non-functional in comparison to a non-visually impaired individual. Regarding my reduced mobility, it does affect me in terms of getting from A to B, but as long as someone guides the walking aid I use it’s not a problem.

Despite the previously mentioned disabilities, I attended mainstream primary and secondary school, progressed on to college, and continued my studies to graduate with a Masters in HRM in 2015. To successfully complete the education outlined above, it was necessary for me to use technology to assist with certain tasks such as studying, taking exams and completing assignments.

This is a photo of Niall in the University of Limerick on the day he handed up his Masters Thesis

Photo of Niall at the University of Limerick

I have created this blog to share my knowledge and experiences of using assistive technology in educational settings. Hopefully by doing this I can help someone in a similar situation, and therefore the content of this blog will be of most relevance to someone who is blind or has a visual impairment. Such content may include information relating to screen readers, accessible iPhone and iPad apps, and other items of relevance. I have also provided some online resources which may be of benefit, and this information can be found in the ‘Useful Resources’ section.

I hope you find the content of this blog to be of benefit to you. Also, please feel free to contact me via the ‘Contact Me’ section, with any feedback, comments, questions, and/or messages you would like to communicate.

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